Business & Financial Solutions

Maintaining complete, accurate, and timely association financials is a cornerstone of our firm. We produce all the financial information your association will need to make sound financial decisions while helping you to process a wealth of data and present it to your Community in a way that’s clear and easy to digest.
From developing Pro-Forma operating budgets to reserve funding, our firm has the resources to protect and maintain the financial health of your association. As part of our services, we provide the following financial reports on both an interim and annual basis:
- Delinquent Reports and monitoring
- Balance Sheet
- Bank Reconciliations of all accounts
- Budget Comparison Report
- Cash Disbursement Report
- Operating Budget
- Reserve funding and component reporting
- Deferred Maintenance analyses
Your annual budgets and financial reports never leave our office without the review of our senior management. In addition, our President, who is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), reviews most of your reports as well. These professional reviews provide important guidance to the board members for appropriate financial planning.
EPM currently manages operating budgets and reserve funds in excess of $80 million. We have established a quality financial reporting system and unique and unparalleled reserve reporting that is focused on each and every capital replacement item. This provides the Board with long-term planning strategies to ensure effective cash flow to fund major projects and gain optimum returns from investments.